
Naysayer/Take Offense etc. in Rochester/early festival lineups

As mentioned here a couple weeks back, Naysayer, Rhinoceros, and a few other good hardcore bands will be playing at Dub Land Underground on February 1. I hope to have a show or two to announce by then. Get to this show early and make sure you check out These Eyes.

It is also festival season! While I always TALK about how great it would be to be in attendance at these, I rarely make the trip. In fact, the last festivals I attended were in 2003.

First up is United Blood Festival in early April. This lineup features about a dozen bands so far that I would be interested in seeing live, many for the first time. It is in Richmond, a city I did not have the greatest luck in last summer. It would be nice to get some food at Strange Matter again.

Bamboozle is back in New Jersey again the weekend of April 29. I can't really say that there are any bands I would be interested in seeing on this lineup. I think I would have more fun partying at a festival like this anyway.

Krazy Fest I never made it to a Krazy Fest in my heyday, but I did get to chill in Louisville during my fun summer of 2006. Apparently this festival is slated to take place in mid-May, though no bands have been announced of yet.

Rain Fest will take place on May 27, 28, and 29 at Neumo's in Seattle, WA. Bands announced thus far (more are coming) include:

All Teeth
Another Breath
Figure Four
Grave Maker
Make Do And Mend
Most Precious Blood
Rotting Out
Run With The Hunted

While there are some good bands on this one, I can safely say that I wouldn't be attending even if I were still an active member of the 'core. It would be nice to see Trial and Figure Four again though.

Finally and possibly most eclectic of them all, is the Chaos in Tejas fest. Same goes for this as with Rain Fest, though I never got to see any YOT reunions. I did do a show once though where Porcell came onstage and did a PX song on vocals.


1 comment:

  1. It would be nice to see trial and figure four again but not all the way out in Seattle.i'm stoked to see the lineup for Krazyfest, those fests were hot as hell but always a good time.
